BPMN 2.0 Introduction

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BPMN 2.0 Training Material Most of those materials are based and heavily quote BPMN 2.0 Spec http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/

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BPMN 2.0 Introduction
Bernard Szlachta (NobleProg Ltd)

BPMN 2.0 Purpose。

  1. Provide a notation that is readily understandable by business and technical people
  2. Create a standardized bridge for the gap between the business process design and process implementation
  3. To ensure that XML languages designed for the execution of business processes, such as WSBPEL, can be visualized with a business-oriented notation.
  4. To standardize a business process model and notation in the face of many different modeling notations and viewpoints
  5. To provide a means of communicating process information to other businesses, users, managers and process implementers
  6. To exchange BPMN definitions (both domain model and diagram layout) between different tools

Audience of BPMN。

  • Business users
    • Business analysts
    • Strategy analyst
    • Quality managers
  • Technical developers
    • Process designers
    • Developers
    • Integrators
    • Software, System and Enterprise Architects


Software based on spec

  • software developed only partially matching compliance/conformance

Modeling Conformance

  • Process modeling
  • Choreography modelling

Execution Conformance

  • Process Execution
  • BPEL Process Execution
Tool can comply only to one of the above or any subset of them.

BPMN Complete Conformance complies to the all 4 above.

Sub-models within an end-to-end BPMN model 。

  1. Processes (Orchestration)
    • Private non-executable (internal) BP
    • Private executable (internal) BP
    • Public Processes
  2. Choreographies
  3. Collaborations (can include Processes and Choreographies
    • Conversations


  • WSBPEL can organize complex Business Processes in a complex, disjointed, and unintuitive format that is handled very well by a software system (or a computer programmer)
  • WSBPEL is hard to understand by the business analysts and managers

BPMN 2.0 compared to BPMN 1.2 。

  • Formalizes the execution semantics for all BPMN elements
  • Defines an extensibility mechanism
  • Refines Event composition and correlation
  • Extends the definition of human interactions
  • Defines a Choreography model

BPMN Sub-models 。

  1. Orchestration
    • Private non-executable (internal) Business Processes
    • Private executable (internal) Business Processes
    • Public Processes
  2. Choreographies
  3. Collaborations, which can include Processes and/or Choreographies
    • A view of Conversations

Private (Internal) Business Process。

  • Internal to a specific organization
  • Other names:
    • Workflow
    • BPM Processes
    • Orchestration of services
  • Can be executable and non-executable
  • Contained within a single Pool
  • The flow of Messages can cross the Pool boundary to show the interactions that exist between separate private Business Processes

Public Process 。

  • Represents the interactions between a private Business Process and another Process or Participant
  • Only those Activities that are used to communicate to the other Participant(s) are included in the public Process
  • All other “internal” Activities of the private Business Process are not shown
  • Public Process shows to the outside world the Message Flows and the order of those Message Flows that are needed to interact with that Process
  • Public Processes can be modeled separately or within a Collaboration to show the flow of Messages between the public Process Activities and other Participants
  • Called “abstract” in BPMN 1.2.
  • Public Process is orchestrated by the private processes (as oppose to Collaboration)


  • Depicts the interactions between two or more business entities
  • Contains two or more Pools
  • Can be shown as two or more public Processes communicating with each other
  • The corresponding internal (executable) Processes are likely to have much more Activity and detail than what is shown in the public Processes.


  • Definition of the expected behavior
  • B procedural contract between interacting Participants
  • A self-contained Choreography have no Pools or Orchestration
  • Choreography exists between Pools (or Participants)
  • The Choreography Activities are interactions that represent a set (1 or more) of Message exchanges, which involves two or more Participants
  • There is no central controller, responsible entity or observer of the Process

Conversation 。

  • The Conversation diagram is a particular usage of and an informal description of a Collaboration diagram
  • Pools of a Conversation usually do not contain a Process and a Choreography is usually not placed in between the Pools of a Conversation diagram
  • A Conversation is the logical relation of Message exchanges
  • Message exchanges are related to each other and reflect distinct business scenarios
  • Conversation Diagram Provides a “bird’s eye” perspective of the different Conversations that relate to the domain

Quiz 。



1 What does the diagram below represent ?


Private Process
Public Processes

Answer >>

The diagram is an example of a private business process.

2 What does the diagram below represent ?


Private Process
Public Processes

Answer >>

The diagram is an example of a public process.

3 What does the diagram below represent ?


Private Process
Public Processes

Answer >>

The diagram is an example of a collaborative process.

4 What does the diagram below represent ?


Private Process
Public Processes

Answer >>

The diagram is an example of choreography.

5 What does the diagram below represent ?


Private Process
Public Processes

Answer >>

This is an example of conversation diagram.