Nato Architecture Framework (NAF) - 3 - Views
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Using EA for reference and stereotypes。
-* Model -> Class Model -> export -> <<profile>>NMM -> NMM examples
- File:Naf v3 profile.xml
Standard Views 。
- views and standard subviews provide guidance for communicating NATO architectures
- standard subviews may not be specified for inclusion in a particular type of NATO architecture
- A standard subview is one that has a specific purpose and is used by a recognized stakeholder community
- not prescriptive or compulsory for NATO architectures
- Every model element type in a subview description will be reflected in the NMM
- Users can define their own subviews to suit their own purposes
- Subview descriptions in chapter 4 do not necessarily show the use of every model element type or model element in a view
- The NAF should be as broad as possible to satisfy unanticipated users and requirements
- Subviews may be presented in any format as long as they are consistent with the NAF Metamodel
- NCV provides high-level understanding of capabilities
- NOV generally reflects requirements or operations from a user‘s perspective
- NSOV should be described independently from the implementation of services
- NSV generally reflects implementations, actual or proposed
- NAV, NTV and NPV cut across all other view types
What is a view?。
- Views (AKA Model Categories or Perspectives) show what the stakeholder wants to see
- A view is defined as a set of subviews grouped by purpose
- A subview is defined as a pattern from which to develop individual products by establishing the purposes and audience for a product and the techniques for its creation and analysis
- The term 'subview' is similar to the term 'viewpoint' in the IEEE 1471-2000 standard
- Each of the views depicts certain architecture elements
- Some elements span views and provide integrity, coherence, and consistency to architecture descriptions
Architecture, Model, Visualization, Views, PoV。
NATO Architecture Views。
- There are 7 views (AKA perspectives)
1. NATO All View (NAV)
2. NATO Capability View (NCV)
3. NATO Programme View (NPV)
4. NATO Operational View (NOV)
5. NATO Systems View (NSV)
6. NATO Service-Oriented View (NSOV)
7. NATO Technical View (NTV)
NATO Architecture Views。
- 1. NATO All View (NAV)
- Captures overarching aspects that relate to all seven views
- Do not represent a distinct view of the architecture
- Set the scope and context of the architecture
- The scope includes the subject area and timeframe for the architecture
- The setting in which the architecture exists comprises the interrelated conditions that compose the context for the architecture.
- These conditions include:
- doctrine;
- tactics,
- techniques,
- procedures;
- relevant goals and vision statements;
- concepts of operations;
- scenarios;
- environmental conditions.
NATO Architecture Views。
- 2. NATO Capability View (NCV)
- supports the process of analyzing and optimizing the delivery of military capabilities in line with NATO’s strategic intent
- captures essential elements of NATO’s strategic vision and concepts and NATO’s capability planning process, and decomposing this data into a capability taxonomy
- The taxonomy is augmented with schedule data and measures of effectiveness to enable the analysis of capability gaps and overlaps
- further details the dependencies between military capabilities, enabling capability options to be built in a more coherent manner and effective trade-offs to be conducted across NATO common funded programmes
- 3. NATO Operational View (NOV)
- description of the tasks and activities, operational elements, and information exchanges required to accomplish NATO missions
- NATO missions include both war-fighting missions and business processes
- NOV contains graphical and textual products that comprise an identification of the operational nodes and elements, assigned tasks and activities, and information flows required between nodes
- It defines the types of information exchanged, the frequency of exchange, which tasks and activities are supported by the information exchanges, and the nature of information exchanges
NATO Architecture Views。
- 4. NATO Service-Oriented View (NSOV)
- description of services needed to directly support the operational domain as described in the NATO Operational View
- A service, within the NSOV, is understood in its broadest sense, as a unit of work through which a provider provides a useful result to a consumer
- NSOV focuses strictly on identifying and describing services
- The view also:
- supports the description of service taxonomies
- service orchestrations
- mapping of services to operational activities
- description of service behaviour
NATO Architecture Views。
- 5. NATO Systems View (NSV)
- set of graphical and textual products that describes systems and system interconnections providing for, or supporting, NATO functions
- NATO functions include both war-fighting and business functions
- The NSV associates systems resources to the NOV
- These systems resources support the operational activities and facilitate the exchange of information among operational nodes
- Note that systems providing services can be pure technical systems as documented in the systems view only or a combination of technical and operational elements that is documented with a combination of an operational node and one or several associated system nodes
- A logical system providing services is documented in the service-oriented view only
NATO Architecture Views。
- 6. NATO Technical View (NTV)
- the minimal set of rules governing the arrangement, interaction, and interdependence of system parts or elements
- Its purpose is to ensure that a system satisfies a specified set of operational requirements
- The NTV provides the technical systems implementation guidelines upon which engineering specifications are based, common building blocks are established, and product lines are developed
- The NTV includes a collection of the technical standards, implementation conventions, standards options, rules, and criteria organised into profile(s) that govern systems and system elements for a given architecture
- 7. NATO Programme View (NPV)
- describe the relationships between NATO capability requirements and the various programmes and projects being implemented
- They provide programmatic details and highlight the dependencies between capability management and the NATO acquisition process
- This information can be further leveraged to show the impact of acquisition decisions on the architecture
NATO Architecture Views。
- Colours used in examples
Mapping Subviews to Communities of Interest。
Questions 。