JBPM 6 - 1.0 - Workbench Overview

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JBPM 6 - 1.0 - Workbench Overview

Starting jBPM console

cd /opt/jbpm-installer
ant start.demo


ant start.demo.noeclipse

Go to Firefox and type: http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console

Hello World Demo

Evaluation Demo 评估的演示

  • An employee performance needs to be evaluated
  • First, the employee gives feedback about their own performance
  • Later, HR (mary) and PM (john) departments give their opinion about employee department
  • It does not matter whether HR or PM evaluation is done first


Lab 1.1.1 Executing Process in Kie

  1. localhost:8080/jbpm-console
  2. login krisv/krisv
  3. Build Project
    1. Got to Authoring/Project Autorining
    2. In Project Explorer select demo / jbpm-playground / Evaluation project
    3. Click BUSINESS PROCESSES / 'evaluation' process to view the diagram
    4. Click Open Project Editor / Build & Deploy
  4. Start an Process Instance
    1. Process Management / Process Definitions
    2. Actions / Start
    3. Employee: krisv (must be this user)
    4. Reason: evaluation
  5. Perform Self-Evaluation
    1. Task List / Actions / Start
    2. Performance: "I am excellent"
  6. HR Evaluation
    1. Log in as mary
    2. Tasks / Actions / Start
    3. Click on Magnifying Glass icon / Work tab / Complete
  7. PM Evaluation
    1. Log in as john
    2. Task / Actions / Start
    3. Click on Magnifying Glass icon / Work tab / Complete
  8. View Log
    1. Process Management / Process Instances / Completed
    2. Actions / Details

Exercise 1

  • Run another instance of the process on your own