Introduction to ANOVA

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  • What null hypothesis is tested by ANOVA?
  • What are the uses of ANOVA?

What is ANOVA?

  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical method used to compare two or more means
  • Inferences about means are made by analyzing variance (therefore it is not called analysis of mean)
  • ANOVA is used to test general rather than specific differences among means

Smiles and Leniency Example

  • Let us investigate types of smiles on the leniency
  • Types of smiles: neutral, false, felt, miserable

The results from the Tukey hsd test (Six Pairwise Comparisons):

Comparison Mi-Mj Q p
False - Felt 0.46 1.65 0.649
False - Miserable 0.46 1.65 0.649
False - Neutral 1.25 4.48 0.010
Felt - Miserable 0.00 0.00 1.000
Felt - Neutral 0.79 2.83 0.193
Miserable - Neutral 0.79 2.83 0.193
  • Notice that the only significant difference is between the False and Neutral conditions.
  • ANOVA tests the non-specific null hypothesis that all four populations means are equal
μfalse = μfelt = μmiserable = μneutral
  • This non-specific null hypothesis is sometimes called the omnibus null hypothesis
  • When the omnibus null hypothesis is rejected, the conclusion is that at least one population mean is different from at least one other mean
  • ANOVA does not reveal which means are different from which
  • It offers less specific information than the Tukey hsd test
  • The Tukey hsd is therefore preferable to ANOVA in this situation

Why to use ANOVA instead of HSD Tukey

  • There are complex types of analyses that can be done with ANOVA and not with the Tukey test
  • ANOVA is by far the most commonly-used technique for comparing means
  • Is important to understand ANOVA in order to understand research reports.


1 The omnibus null hypothesis when performing an analysis of variance is there are differences between group means, however, no prediction is made concerning where the differences lie.


Answer >>

False, the omnibus null is that all group means are the same.

2 Unlike t-tests an ANOVA may be used to test for differences among more than 2 groups.


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True, An analysis of variance (ANOVA) is most often used to determine if there are differences among 3 or more group means. However, if there are more than 2 groups an ANOVA does not provide information regarding where the differences lie.

3 Unlike t-tests, an ANOVA uses both differences between group means and differences within groups to determine whether the difference are significant.


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False, both t-tests and ANOVAs use both. In a t test the difference between means is in the numerator. In an ANOVA, the variance of the grouop means (multiplied by n) is in the numerator.

4 It is valid to do the Tukey HSD test without first finding a signficant effect with an ANOVA.


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True, the Tukey HSD controls the Type I error rate and is valid without first running an ANOVA.