Drools - DSL

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Drools - DSL
Bernard Szlachta (NobleProg Ltd)

What is Domain Specific Language ⌘

  • " a way of creating a rule language that is dedicated to your problem domain"
  • DSL is ultimately transformed to rules (mvel or java)
  • .dsl file contain the transformations (mapping)
  • DSLs have no impact on the rule engine at runtime, they are just a compile time feature

什么是领域特定语言 。

  • " 创建规则的语言,为你的问题领域而特别设计"
  • DSL最终将转换为规则 (mvel or java)
  • .dsl文件包含了转换器 (mapping)
  • DSLs 在运行时刻(runtime)对规则引擎无影响,他们只用于编译

When to use DSL ⌘

  • Your requirements should be executable and always in sync with what is actually executed
  • Analysts can focus on "logic proper"
  • You already have a rules written in SBVR or other standard (which is consistent and detailed enough to be easily translated into executable rules)
  • You need "templates" for conditional elements and consequence actions that are used repeatedly in your rules (with minor variations)

什么时候使用 DSL 。

  • 你的需求应该能被执行并且和实际执行的要永远同步
  • 分析师可以专注于“逻辑准确”( "logic proper")
  • 你已经有SBVR或者其它标准 (一致且足够详细,可以很容易翻译为可执行规则)写的规则
  • 你的规则里多处需要条件判断和结果动作(consequence actions),你需要一套模板(需要稍有改动)

DSL in Guvnor ⌘

Create New -> New DSL

[when]Order is greater than {totalOrder} = sc :ShoppingCart( $totalPrice : totalPrice > {totalOrder})
[then]Set discount to {discount} = sc.setTotalPrice( $totalPrice * (1-{discount}) ); update(sc); 
  1. Create New -> New Rule
  2. Type (format) of rule: DSL or Guided Ruls
dilect "mvel"
 Order is greater than 10000
 Set discount to 0.1

Use the test created for tall order discount

Guvnor里的DSL 。

Create New -> New DSL

[when]Order is greater than {totalOrder} = sc :ShoppingCart( $totalPrice : totalPrice > {totalOrder})
[then]Set discount to {discount} = sc.setTotalPrice( $totalPrice * (1-{discount}) ); update(sc); 
  1. Create New -> New Rule
  2. Type (format) of rule: DSL or Guided Ruls
dilect "mvel"
 Order is greater than 10000
 Set discount to 0.1

Use the test created for tall order discount

Eclipse ⌘

See 08.1DSL folder

Eclipse 。

见 08.1DSL 文件夹

Connecting DSL file with DSRL file⌘


连接 DSL 文件和 DSRL 文件。
