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Creating dictionaries

Dictionaries are an unordered, associative array. They have a set of key/value pairs. They are very versatile data structures, but slower than lists. Dictionaries can be used easily as a hashtable.

prices = {

Accessing elements in dictionaries

By applying square brackets with a key inside, the values of a dictionary can be requested. Valid types for keys are strings, integers, floats, and tuples.

print prices['banana']
print prices['kiwi']

Looping over a dictionary

You can access the keys of a dictionary in a for loop. However, their order is not guaranteed, then.

for fruit in prices:
print fruit

# 0.75
# KeyError!

Dictionary functions

There is a number of functions that can be used on every dictionary:

Checking whether a key exists:
Retrieving values in a fail-safe way:
prices.get('banana') # 0.75

Setting values if they dont exist yet:


# for 'banana', nothing happens.
Getting all keys / values:
print prices.keys()

print prices.values()

# None