Bootstrap 3 vs 4

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Bootstrap 3 vs. 4
Lukasz Sokolowski

Intro ⌘

At the stage of HTML coding:

  • it is always important to have at hand a good tool that will greatly accelerate the development process
  • It should be flexible, easily customizable and will allow you to easily create mockups
  • It should allow you to easily create pages that are well displayed on desktops and mobile devices

Bootstrap ⌘

A powerful CSS framework for creating adaptive pages that includes:

  • multiple-column adaptive grid
  • ready-made elements by type of navigation, buttons, dropdowns, etc
  • set of service classes for controlling the behavior of elements
  • reset or normalize
  • set up the typography in the template
  • mediaobjects
  • Some JS-plugins (Carousel, Modal and so on)
  • and much more

B3 vs B4 ⌘

  • Almost identical set of components and utilities
  • But there are a lot of differences

Sass vs Less ⌘

Source code for Bootstrap 4 uses Sass, Bootstrap 3 – Less

  • Sass is recognized as the most widely used CSS preprocessor
  • The code written on it is more readable and understandable
  • Functional is slightly better than competitors

Flexbox vs Floats ⌘

  • In the 4th version you have no problem aligning vertically and the problem of columns of the same height
  • Change the vertical and horizontal alignment on different devices using utilities and classes, such as: align-item-center, align-items-md-center, align-items-lg-start, and so on
  • Change the order of your columns using flex-unordered, flex-last, flex-first
  • Use mr-auto, ml-auto, which will align your element to the right or left
  • Live example

Responsive columns ⌘

  • Columns of the same width without specifying the explicitly labeled class numbers
    • Inside your row just place as many “div” with the class col as you need and they will have the same width
    • The result is 3 columns of the same width on all devices (there was no such possibility in the 3rd version)
<div class="row">
  <div class="col">1</div>
  <div class="col">2</div>
  <div class="col">3</div>

Responsive columns Con't ⌘


Responsive con't ⌘

  • It is possible to create columns that change their width depending on the content
  • To do this, you need to use the following class
    • col-md-auto (instead of md substitute the another breakpoint)

Media queries ⌘

We have the opportunity to more flexible approach to changes styles of the page on various devices

  • in the grid system there are the following breakpoints:

extra large (>= 1200px) large (>= 992px) medium (>= 768px) sm (>= 576px) xs (< 576px)

  • In the B3 of these breakpoints there were only 4
    • this sometimes created some problems when marking on small tablets and phones with a big screen

Flexible Con't ⌘

  • Not all elements in Bootstrap 4 have display: flex property
  • If you need to make a 'flex' element, then you should use the display utility
    • For example, add a class .d-flex, .d-inline-flex, or .d-sm-flex, when you need to apply the utility only for devices of the sm category and above
  • For an item with the .d-flex class, there is a set of flex utilities with which
    • you can change the axis of the container,
    • reverse the order,
    • align elements inside the container, and so on.
    • these include: flex-row, flex-row-reverse, .flex-column, .flex-column-reverse, .flex-sm-row, .justify-content-start, .justify-content-start, .justify-content-sm-start and other variations

Typography ⌘

The section of the typographies have improved indentation system for different elements (p, ul, etc.)

Migration to B4 ⌘