1 Which data objects are used by the shown process?
Answer >>
Request [pending] and Request [approved]
2 Which statement about pools and lanes is true?
Pools partition flow objects and a lane is an optional subdivision of a pool.
3 What do you use to start a parallel flow?
A parallel gateway
4 Which scenario is described by this diagram?
First do A, then B or C or both B and C depending on a condition
5 What does BPMN 2.0 define?
6 What does a slash in a sequence signify?
The path is a default path
7 Which statement about Sequence Flow in BPMN is true?
Sequences are represented by a solid line which represents a transition between one BPMN shape and the next
8 What is the symbol for a group of BPMN?
The group shape is drawn as a rounded corner rectangle with a dot-dash-dot-dash pattern
9 In BPMN, which is true about an association?
A directional Association is often used with Data Objects to show that a Data Object is either an input to or an output from an activity
10 What is wrong with the BPMN diagram?
An activity starts without a sequence flow
11 With respect to WSBPEL, a business process may:
Map to one or more documents
12 What is the meaning of a message event with a white envelope?
The marker indicates a message arrives from a participant
13 What BPMN concept cancels an undesirable activity or activity outcome?
14 The gateway controls which aspect of a business process?
Divergence and convergence
15 In the diagram, will the process continue after the merge?
Only when all of the other activities are completed.
16 Question: According to BPMN, the start event indicates what?
An event of where a particular Process will start
17 Which is the best practice for gateways in divergence and convergence?
The same gateway should be started and ended with the same gateway
18 What are other features of the Gateway?
It is a model element to control the sequence flow within a process and allows or disallows passage
19 An association connects which object to another object?
The text annotation or a data object to an object
20 Which kind of gateway is shown in this diagram?
A Parallel Gateway
21 What is vision for BPMN?
It visually models business activities which become machine-executable code in WSBPEL
22 There are many shapes in BPMN. What are four categories of BPMN shapes?
Events, Gateways, Messages and Swimlanes
23 Which of these statements about lanes are true?
They extend the length of the pool and there text can be oriented in any direction.
24 What can be said about the association line?
It is a dashed line with an optional arrow at one end
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