CSS Selectors

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selectors grab onto:


<a>, <p>, <div>, <table>, <tr>, <td>, <span>, <select>, <option> 

tags open and close

  <p> text </p>

<div class="error">
  <p> Something <span class='massive'>went</span> wrong! </p>


<p> word</p><br>


<a href="www.google.com">
<span class="red">
<div class="footer small">
<option value="option1">
<table id="results_table">
<input type="checkbox">

to grab a class: ".classname"

<div class='error'>

to grab an id: "#google_link"

<a id='google_link' href='www.google.com'>


to grab more than one class: ".classone.classtwo"
<div class="classone classtwo">


to grab an attribute: "a[href='www.google.com']"
<a href="www.google.com"></a>

to grab ALL instances of a tag: "div"
<div></div>   //grabs
<div>         //grabs
<div></div> //grabs

to grab a tag with a specific class: "div.classname"

to grab the direct child of an element: "div > p"
    <p> text! </p> // grabs this element

to grab a descendent: "div p"
      <p> text! </p> // grabs this element

to grab a sibling: p + p
    <p></p> // grabs this element

getting more specific: #first_item p

    <li id='first_item'>
        <p> text </p>  //grabs

      <p> text </p>   //does NOT grab. why?

:nth-of-type() -- li:nth-of-type(3)
    <li> </li>
    <li> </li>
    <li> </li>  //grabs
    <li> </li>

:first-of-type  -- li:first-of-type
    <li> </li>  //grabs
    <li> </li>
    <li> </li>
    <li> </li>

:first-child -- ul > :first-child
    <li> </li>  //grabs
    <li> </li>
    <li> </li>
    <li> </li>

:nth-child() -- ul > nth-child(3)
    <li> </li>
    <li> </li>
    <li> </li>  //grabs
    <li> </li>

  :nth-child -- p:nth-child(1) -- what happens?

    <div> </div>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>

to grab a parent, ancestor: whoops! can't do that with css. we need xpath


  1. grab all paragraphs on page
  2. grab the -very first- paragraph on the page
  3. grab the fourth element in the form. what is it?
  4. what is the third element in the form? do you see it?
  5. grab the option with the value 'dog'
  6. find the checkbox
  7. select the entire page