Nato Architecture Framework (NAF) - 4.9 - NATO Meta Model - NPV

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NAF - Part 4.9 - NATO Meta Model - NPV
Bernard Szlachta (NobleProg Ltd)

NATO Programme Views (NPV)

NPV-1 Programme Portfolio relationships。

NPV-1 view products represent an organisational perspective on programmes.

The data in an NPV-1 can include:

  • Project
  • Project Owner
  • Enterprise Phase

Nato Architecture Framework (NAF) - 3.7 - NATO Programme View#NPV-1.2C_Programme_Portfolio_Relationships

NPV-2 Programme to capability mapping。

NPV-2 view products provide a timeline perspective on programmes.

The data in an NPV-2 can include:

  • Projects
  • Project Milestones
  • Threads (e.g. DLOD)
  • Project Dependencies

Nato Architecture Framework (NAF) - 3.7 - NATO Programme View#NPV-2.2C_Programme_to_Capability_Mapping

NPV metamodel diagrams。

NPV-1 Programme Portfolio relationships

NPV-1 Programme Portfolio relationships.png

NPV metamodel diagrams。

NPV-2 Programme to capability mapping

NPV-2 Programme to capability mapping.png

NPV metamodel glossary。

NPV metamodel glossary
Element Definition
CapabilityIncrement A <<ProjectMilestone>> that indicates the point in time at which a project is predicted to deliver or has delivered a <<Capability>>.

Example: When a project reaches Initial Operating Capability (IOC) it may deliver a <<Capability>> with a given set of metrics then deliver a second <<Capability>> corresponding to the same <<Capability>> when it reaches Full Operational Capability (FOC). Both the IOC and FOC milestones would be instances of <<CapabilityIncrement>>.

MilestoneInProject Asserts that a <<ProjectMilestone>> belongs to a project. A milestone shall not belong to more than one project.
MilestoneRelationship A relationship between two milestones.
OrganisationProjectRelationship A relationship between an <<ActualOrganisation>> and a <<Project>>.

Example: ownership

Example: supplier

OutOfService A <<ProjectMilestone>> that indicates a project's deliverable is to go out of service.
Project A time-limited endeavour to create a specific set of products or services.
ProjectMilestone An event in a <<Project>> by which progress is measured - modelled as a <<Project>> of zero duration.

Note: in the case of an acquisition project, there are two key types of milestone which shall be represented using subtypes - <<CapabilityIncrement>> and <<OutOfService>>.

ProjectOwnership A type of <<OrganisationProjectRelationship>> where the organisation is the party responsible for the project.
ProjectSequence Asserts that one <<Project>> follows from another - i.e. the target <<Project>> cannot start until the source <<Project>> has ended.
ProjectTheme An aspect by which the progress of various <<Project>>s may be measured. In UK MOD, this could be one of the defence lines of development, or DOTMLPF in the US.
ProjectType A category of <<Project>>.

Example: ‘Programme’

Example: ‘Acquisition Project’

Example: ‘Training Programme’

ProjectWholePart Relates a parent project (owningProject) to a sub-project (relatedProject).
RelatedProjectReference A reference to a sub-project from a <<ProjectWholePart>> relationship.
Status An allowable value for <<StatusIndicators>>.

Example - 3

Example - amber

StatusAtMilestone A relationship between a <<Status>> and a <<Milestone>> which asserts the status (i.e. level of progress) of a <<ProjectTheme>> for the project at the time of the milestone.

For example, a procurement project may have workstreams corresponding to lines of development. The status of each of workstream is summarised on the milestone.

StatusIndicators An enumeration of the possible statuses for one or more <<ProjectTheme>>s.

Example - 1 to 5

Example - red, amber, green

StatusLiteral A literal value corresponding to a <<Status>>.