JBPM 6 - 2.1 - Using Eclipse with Workbench

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JBPM 6 - 2.1 - Using Eclipse with Workbench


  • We want to write/run junit test for our process
  • We want to debug our process
  • We want to write work item handler or other item which cannot be written in Workbench


  1. Start Eclipse with ant start.eclipse
  2. File / Import / Git / Projects from Git
  3. URI: ssh://krisv@localhost:8001/nprep
  4. Import as general project

Work on a single project

  1. Right click on the project you are insterested in
  2. Import
  3. Maven/Existing Maven Project

Synchronizing Changes

  1. Getting Changes from Workbench to Eclipse
    1. Right click on hrproj
    2. Team / Pull
  2. Moving Changes from Eclipse to Workbench
    1. Right click on hrproj
    2. Team / Commit
    3. Team / Push to Upstream