JBPM 6 - 1.6 - Triggering Process via REST

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JBPM 6 - 1.6 - Triggering Process via REST 通过REST触发流程

The workbench contains an execution server (for executing processes and tasks), which also allows you to invoke various process and task related operations through a remote API. As a result, you can setup your process engine "as a service" and integrate this into your applications easily by doing remote requests and/or sending the necessary triggers to the execution server whenever necessary (without the need to embed or manage this as part of your application).


Scenario 场景

  • You want to execute your process stored in Workbench externaly injecting process variables
  • In our case we want to start recruitment process when a new person applies

Documentation 文档

Getting deploymentId

  • Via REST service
Accept: application/json
  • Using Workbench
    • Authoring / Project Authoring
    • Tools / Project Editor

Java Remote API

 URL baseUrl = new URL("http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console");
 String user = "krisv";
 String password = "krisv";
 String deploymentId = "hrproj:hrproj:1.0";

 RemoteRestRuntimeFactory restSessionFactory	= new RemoteRestRuntimeFactory(deploymentId, baseUrl, user, password);
 RuntimeEngine engine = restSessionFactory.newRuntimeEngine();
 KieSession ksession = engine.getKieSession();
 ProcessInstance processInstance = ksession.startProcess("hrproj.emp_recruitmen2");
 long procId = processInstance.getId();
 String taskUserId = user;
 TaskService taskService = engine.getTaskService();
 List<TaskSummary> tasks = taskService.getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner("krisv", "en-UK");
 long taskId = -1;
 for (TaskSummary task : tasks) {
 	if (task.getProcessInstanceId() == procId) {
  taskId = task.getId();

 if (taskId == -1) {
 	throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find task for " + user
  	+ " in process instance " + procId);

 taskService.start(taskId, taskUserId);

REST and sample PHP client