Drools jBPM

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Drools jBPM
Bernard Szlachta (NobleProg Ltd)
  1. Deploying via Guvnor
  2. jBPM console
  3. Running evalulation process
  4. Running example with ruleflow-group (_40_Ruleflow)
  1. 用Guvnor部署
  2. jBPM console
  3. 运行 evalulation process
  4. 运行例子 with ruleflow-group (_40_Ruleflow)

1. Create a ruleflow where first discount 10% off is calculated into discount field and after (always as a second step), the total price is calculated

Declare ShoppingCard
    basePrice : Double
    discounts : Double
    totalPrice : Double

1. 新建一个ruleflow,实现第一个10%折扣计入 discount field,然后(永远作为第二步),计算总价

Declare ShoppingCard
    basePrice : Double
    discounts : Double
    totalPrice : Double

Discount Exercise

  1. If the course is early booked course (earlyBooking == true) apply 3% discount
  2. Customer is existing customer? If so, apply extra 10% discount
  3. If the value of the order is greater than 1000, apply 5% discount


  1. 如果课程提前预定了(earlyBooking == true),折扣3%
  2. 老客户?如果是,另加10%折扣
  3. 如果订单高于1000,打折5%