BPMN 2.0 Activities

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BPMN Activity Basics

An Activity

  • is work that is performed within a Business Process
  • can be atomic or non-atomic (compound)
  • represent points in a Process flow where work is performed
  • is executable element of a BPMN


Activity can be:

  • Task
    • an atomic Activity within a Process flow
    • is used when the work in the Process cannot be broken down to a finer level of detail
    • an end-user or applications are used to perform the Task when it is executed
  • Sub-Process
  • Call Activity
    • allows the inclusion of re-usable Tasks and Processes in the diagram

Types of Tasks

Receive Task


  • Waits for a Message to arrive from an external Participant
  • Once the Message has been received, the Task is completed


  • Starts the process
  • MUST NOT have any incoming Sequence Flow
  • Instantiate attribute MUST be set to true

User Task


  • A typical “workflow” Task where a human performer performs the Task with the assistance of a software application
  • The task is scheduled through a task list manager of some sort


  • Phone operator updates customer record
  • User changing their password

Manual Task

  • Is expected to be performed without the aid of any business process execution engine or any application


  • A telephone technician installing a telephone at a customer location


Business Rule Task


  • Provides a mechanism for the Process to provide input to a Business Rules Engine and to get the output of calculations that the Business Rules Engine might provide

Script Task


  • Is executed by a business process engine
  • The modeler or implementer defines a script in a language that the engine can interpret
  • When the Task is ready to start, the engine will execute the script
  • When the script is completed, the Task will also be completed.

Sub-process Markers

  • A Sub-Process is an Activity whose internal details have been modeled using Activities, Gateways, Events, and Sequence Flows
  • A Sub-Process is a graphical object within a Process, but it also can be “opened up” to show a lower-level Process

Types of Sub-Processes




Sub-process Markers


Event Sub-Process

Figure10-30-event-sub-process-object-collapsed.png Figure10-31-event-sub-process-object-expanded.png

  • An Event Sub-Process is a specialized Sub-Process that is used within a Process (or Sub-Process)
  • The triggeredByEvent attribute is set to true
  • An Event Sub-Process is not part of the normal flow of its parent Process—there are no incoming or outgoing Sequence Flows.
  • It MAY occur many times.
  • Event Sub-Process has a Start Event with a trigger:
    • Message, Error, Escalation, Compensation, Conditional, Signal, and Multiple
  • An Event Sub-Process object shares the same basic shape as the Sub-Process object, which is a rounded rectangle

When an Event Sub-Process is triggered the parent Process:

  1. can be interrupted
  2. can continue its work (not interrupted)

This is determined by the type of Start Event that is used



Element transaction.png

  • Is a specialized type of Sub-Process that will have a special behavior that is controlled through a transaction protocol (such as WS-Transaction)
  • The boundary of the Sub-Process will be double-lined to indicate that it is a Transaction
  • The behavior at the end of a successful Transaction Sub-Process is slightly different than that of a normal Sub-Process
  • When each path of the Transaction Sub-Process reaches a non-Cancel End Event(s), the flow does not

immediately move back up to the higher-level parent Process, as does a normal Sub-Process

  • First, the transaction protocol needs to verify that all the Participants have successfully completed their end of the Transaction
  • Most of the time this will be true and the flow will then move up to the higher-level Process
  • But it is possible that one of the Participants can end up with a problem that causes a Cancel or a Hazard
  • In this case, the flow will then move to the appropriate Intermediate Event, even though it had apparently finished successfully




  • A group of Activities that have no REQUIRED sequence relationships
  • A set of Activities can be defined for the Process, but the sequence and number of performances for the Activities is determined by the performers of the Activities.





Call Activity

  • A Call Activity identifies a point in the Process where a global Process or a Global Task is used
  • The Call Activity acts as a ‘wrapper’ for the invocation of a global Process or Global Task within the execution
  • The activation of a call Activity results in the transfer of control to the called global Process or Global Task





Upstream Sequence Flow

Element sequence flow looping.png

Standard Loop

Element activity looping.png Figure10-47-sub-process-object-with-standard-loop-marker.png

  • The Activity will loop as long as the boolean condition is true
  • The condition is evaluated for every loop iteration, and MAY be evaluated at the beginning or at the end of the iteration
  • In addition, a numeric cap can be optionally specified
  • The number of iterations MAY NOT exceed this cap


Element multiple instances parallel.png Figure10-48-activity-multi-instance-marker-for-parallel-instances.png

Element multiple instances sequential.png Figure10-49-activity-multi-instance-marker-for-sequential-instances.png

  • The instances MAY execute in parallel or MAY be sequential.
  • Either an Expression is used to specify or calculate the desired number of instances or a data driven setup can be used
  • In that case a data input can be specified, which is able to handle a collection of data
  • The number of items in the collection determines the number of Activity instances
  • This data input can be produced by an input Data Association
  • The modeler can also configure this loop to control the tokens produced.