JavaScript: Difference between revisions

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Line 429: Line 429:
y; // 2
y; // 2
z; // { a: 3, b: 4 }
z; // { a: 3, b: 4 }
=== asynchronous iteration ===
* asynchronous iterators and iterables
** we can use the await keyword in for/of loops
<syntaxhighlight lang="ts">
for await () {}

Line 491: Line 483:

=== Asynchronous Iteration ===
=== Asynchronous Iteration ===
* Asynchronous iterators and iterables
** we can use the await keyword in for/of loops
* Syntax <syntaxhighlight lang="ts">for await () {}</syntaxhighlight>
<!-- [[File:AsyncIteration.png|500px]] -->
<!-- [[File:AsyncIteration.png|500px]] -->
<syntaxhighlight lang="ts">
<syntaxhighlight lang="ts">
const promises = [
const promises = [

Revision as of 19:59, 15 November 2023


This text may not be complete.

Lukasz Sokolowski (NobleProg)


JavaScript Training Materials

JavaScript Intro ⌘

  • Names, versions, etc
  • Finished proposals

What is this buzz all about? ⌘

  • All the JavaScript acronyms can be confusing
  • Was originally named JavaScript in hopes of capitalizing on the success of Java
  • JavaScript was submitted to ECMA International for Standardization (organization that standardizes information)
  • ECMAScript is a standard

Other names ⌘

  • ES is simply short for ECMAScript
  • ES followed by a number is referencing an edition of ECMAScript
  • There are 8 editions of ECMAScript published
  • ES1: June 1997, ES2: June 1998, ES3: Dec 1999, ES4: Abandoned, due to political differences
  • ES5: Dec 2009 - presently fully supported by all most popular web browsers
  • ES6 / ES2015: June 2015 - the decision was make to move to annual updates
    • From now on official name reflects the year of release (no longer ES7, ES8, etc)
  • ES2016: June 2016, ES2017: June 2017

Finished proposals ⌘

ECMAScript 2015 ⌘

ECMAScript 2016 ⌘

  • Array.prototype.includes
  • Exponentiation infix operator

Array.prototype.includes ⌘

  • includes instance method on the Array
  • Helps to easily find if an item is in the Array (including NaN unlike indexOf)
const setty = ['me', 'doing', 'js', NaN];

// Before, and doesn't search NaN
if ( setty.indexOf("js") >= 0 ) { console.log(true); }
setty.indexOf(NaN); // false

// Now, and searches NaN
if ( setty.includes("js") ) { console.log(true); }
setty.includes(NaN);  // true

Exponentiation infix operator ⌘

  • In exponent operation the ** was introduced instead of Math.pow
// Earlier
Math.pow(7, 2)

// Now

ECMAScript 2017 ⌘

  • Object.values()
  • Object.entries()
  • String padding
  • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
  • Trailing commas, function parameters
  • Async/Await

Object.values() ⌘

  • New function similar to Object.keys()
  • Returns all the values of the Object’s own properties
    • but excluding any value(s) in the prototypical chain
const bookPrices = { Thud: 20, LOTR: 50, Drupal8: 30 };

// Before
const prices = Object.keys(bookPrices).map( priceKey => bookPrices[priceKey]); 
console.log(prices); // [20, 50, 30]

// Now
const prices1 = Object.values(bookPrices);
console.log(prices1); // [20, 50, 30]

Object.entries() ⌘

  • Also similar to Object.keys()
    • Returns as array both, keys and values
    • Simplifies using objects in loops or converting objects into Maps
const bookPrices = { Thud: 20, LOTR: 50, Drupal8: 30 };
const map = new Map();

// Extracting keys and looping; map
Object.keys(bookPrices).forEach( function(priceKey) {
    console.log('Book: ' + priceKey + ' costs: ' + bookPrices[priceKey]);
    map.set(priceKey, bookPrices[priceKey]);
console.log(map); // Map(3) {"Thud" => 20, "LOTR" => 50, "Drupal8" => 30}

// Easier (-:
for ( let [k, v] of Object.entries(bookPrices) ) {
    console.log(`Book: ${k} costs: ${v}`);

const map1 = new Map(Object.entries(bookPrices));

String padding ⌘

  • Two new instance methods
    • String.prototype.padStart and String.prototype.padEnd
    • allow appending/prepending string (also empty one) to the start or the end of the original string
// printing multiple items of varying lengths and right-aligning them properly
const bookPrices = { 'Thud': '200', 'LOTR': '50', 'Drupal8': '5' };

Object.entries(bookPrices).map(([row, count]) => {
  // padEnd appends ' ~' until the row becomes 25 characters
  // padStart prepends '0' until the count becomes 4 characters
  console.log(`${row.padEnd(25, ' ~')} Costs: ${count.padStart(4, '0')}`)

// Thud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Costs: 0200
// LOTR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Costs: 0050
// Drupal8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Costs: 0005

Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ⌘

  • Returns all the details for all the properties of a given object
    • including methods get and set
  • Allows shallow copying / cloning an object into another object
    • that also copies getter and setter functions (as opposed to Object.assign)
var Comic = {
 title: 'Thorgal', price: 100,
 set discount(amount) {
  this.d = amount;
 get discount() {
  return this.d;

// Print details of Comic object's 'discount' property
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Comic, 'discount'));
// Prints.. { get: [Function: get], set: [Function: set], enumerable: true, configurable: true }

// Copy Comic's properties to KindleComic using Object.assign
const KindleComic = Object.assign({}, Comic);

// Print details of KindleComic object's 'discount' property
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(KindleComic, 'discount'));
// prints.. { value: undefined, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }
// getters and setters are missing..  )-:

// Copy Comic's properties to KindleComic2 using Object.defineProperties 
// and extract Comic's properties using Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
const KindleComic2 = Object.defineProperties({}, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Comic));

//Print details of KindleComic2 object's 'discount' property
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(KindleComic2, 'discount'));
//prints.. { get: [Function: get], set: [Function: set], enumerable: true, configurable: true }
// getters and setters are present in the ElectricCar2 object for 'discount' property  (--8

Trailing commas, function parameters ⌘

  • Allows us to have trailing commas after the last function parameter
  • Helps with tools like git blame to ensure only new developers get blamed
function Comic (
  year // Devel1 does this without ','
  this.title = title;
  this.year = year;

function Comic (
  year,  // Devel2 has to add ','
  genre  // Devel2 can add new parameter now
  this.title = title;
  this.year = year;
  this.genre = genre;  // Devel2 adds

// Solution
function Comic (
  year, // Devel2 doesn't need to change here (-:
  this.title = title;
  this.year = year;

Async/Await ⌘

  • Async functions
    • no callback hell
    • make the entire code look simple
  • When seeing async keyword, JavaScript compiler treats the function differently
    • pauses whenever it reaches the await keyword within that function
    • assumes that the expression after await returns a promise
    • and waits until the promise is resolved or rejected before moving further

Basic example ⌘

// Usual promise way
function getInvoice(clientId) {
    .then(invoice => {

// New way
async function getInvoice2(clientId) {
  var client = await getClient(clientId);
  var invoice = await getFromTool(client);

getInvoice("Sam Sung");
getInvoice2("Sam Sung");

function getClient(clientId) {
  return new Promise( resolve => {
    setTimeout( () => {
      resolve("Sam Sung");
    }, 1000);

function getFromTool(clientId) {
  return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout( () => {
      if ( clientId == "Sam Sung" ) {
      } else {
        reject("Unknown client");
    }, 1000);
Exercise ⌘

Fix the example above (-:

Async functions themselves return a Promise ⌘

  • If we are waiting for the result from an async function
    • we need to use Promise’s then syntax to capture its result
async function glueScrabble(w1, w2) {
 w1 = await fixLetters(w1);
 w2 = await fixLetters(w2);
 return w1 + w2;

glueScrabble('a', 'b').then(console.log);

function fixLetters(letter) {
  return new Promise ( resolve => {

   setTimeout( () => { resolve( letter.toUpperCase() ) }, 5000); 

Calling async/await in parallel ⌘

  • Instead of calling await twice and each time waiting for five seconds (total 10 seconds)
    • we can parallelize it since a and b are not dependent on each other using Promise.all
async function glueScrabble2(w1, w2) {
  // with Array destructuring 
  [w1, w2] = await Promise.all( [fixLetters(w1), fixLetters(w2)] );
 return w1 + w2;

glueScrabble2('a', 'b').then(console.log);

Error handling async/await functions

  • Use try catch within the function
  • Catch every await expression
  • Catch the entire async-await function
Use try catch within the function
// Use try catch within the function
async function glueScrabble3(w1, w2) {
  try {
    w1 = await fixLetters3(w1);
    w2 = await fixLetters3(w2);
  } catch (e) {
  return w1 + w2;

// Usage:
glueScrabble3(23, 'b').then(console.log);  // "TypeError"
glueScrabble3('a', 'b').then(console.log); // AB

function fixLetters3(letter) {
 return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout( function() {
    if ( typeof letter == "number" ) throw "Number given, should be a string"; 
    let val = letter.toUpperCase(); console.log(val);
    (!val) ? reject('TypeError') : resolve(val);
  }, 1000);
Catch every await expression
// Catch errors on every await line
// each await expression is a Promise in itself
async function glueScrabble4(w1, w2) {
  w1 = await fixLetters4(w1).catch(e => console.log('"w1" is a Number')); // Yep (-:
  w2 = await fixLetters4(w2).catch(e => console.log('"w2" is a Number')); // Yep (-:
  if ( !w1 || !w2 ) {
    return 'Both are numbers';
  return w1 + w2;

glueScrabble4(234, 'a').then(console.log); // 'TypeError' and logs:  "w1" is a Number
glueScrabble4('a', 'b').then(console.log); // AB

function fixLetters4(letter) {
 return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout( function() {
    let val = letter.toUpperCase(); // console.log(val);
    (!val) ? reject('TypeError') : resolve(val);
  }, 1000);
Catch the entire async-await function
//Option 3 - Don't do anything but handle outside the function
//since async / await returns a promise, we can catch the whole function's error
async function doubleAndAdd(a, b) {
 a = await doubleAfter1Sec(a);
 b = await doubleAfter1Sec(b);
 return a + b;
doubleAndAdd('one', 2)
.catch(console.log); // <------- use "catch"

function doubleAfter1Sec(param) {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(function() {
   let val = param * 2;
   isNaN(val) ? reject(NaN) : resolve(val);
  }, 1000);

Example from Ecma docs ⌘

d3js examples ⌘

  • ch5, index.js
  • ch2, index.js

ECMAScript 2018 ⌘

  • rest / spread properties
  • asynchronous iteration
  • Promise.finally()
  • Additions to RegExp

rest / spread properties

  • allows to destruct an object and collect the leftovers onto a new object


let { x, y, ...z } = { x: 1, y: 2, a: 3, b: 4 };
x; // 1
y; // 2
z; // { a: 3, b: 4 }


  • Allow running a callback after either resolve or reject to help clean things up
  • The finally callback is called without any value and is always executed no matter what
// Resolve case...

let started = true;

let myPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	resolve('all good');
  .then(val => {
    console.log(val); // logs 'all good'
  .catch(e => {
    console.log(e); // skipped
  .finally(() => {
    console.log('This function is always executed!');

    started = false; // clean up

Promise.prototype.finally() Con't

  • Error handling example
// Error cas 1...
// Error thrown from Promise

let started = true;

let myPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	throw new Error('Error');
  .then(val => {
    console.log(val); // skipped
  .catch(e => {
    console.log(e); // catch is called since there was an error
  .finally(() => {
    // Notice that no value is passed here!
    console.log('This function is always executed!');

    started = false; // clean up

Asynchronous Iteration

  • Asynchronous iterators and iterables
    • we can use the await keyword in for/of loops
  • Syntax
    for await () {}


const promises = [
  new Promise(resolve => resolve(1)),
  new Promise(resolve => resolve(2)),
  new Promise(resolve => resolve(3)),

// for-of uses regular sync iterator
// Doesn't wait for promise to resolve
async function test1(){
  for (const obj of promises){
    console.log(obj); // Logs 3 promise objects

// for-await-of uses Async iterator
// Waits for Promise to resolve for each loop
async function test2(){
  for await (const obj of promises){
    console.log(obj); // Logs 1, 2, 3

test1(); // promise, promise, promise

test2(); // 1, 2, 3 ...prints values

Execution improvements

  • Threads - using the Web Workers API to create threads
    • Worker threads
      • are used to execute code in the background - main program can continue execution
      • run simultaneously with the main program - it can be time-saving
  • Shared Memory - allows threads (different parts of a program)
    • to access and update the same data in the same memory
    • no passing data between threads
    • instead we can pass a SharedArrayBuffer object that points to the memory where data is saved
  • SharedArrayBuffer
    • object which represents a fixed-length raw binary data buffer
    • similar to the ArrayBuffer object

State of JS

jQuery Standards

Polish US codes