Git for Victims of Subversion

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Initializing new projects

git init
git add .
git commit           
svnadmin create repo
svn import file://repo
svn checkout file://repo .


svnadmin create repo
svn checkout repo .
svn add .
svn commit


Browsing repository

git show rev:file 
git show rev:directory  
git show rev
svn cat file 
svn list directory 
svn log -rrev url 
svn diff -crev url   


git archive
git archive --format=zip HEAD >
svn export    

Basic Commands

git add file   
git rm file 
git mv file
svn add file   
svn rm file
svn mv file


git commit -a

git commit (without -a) will NOT add all added files!!!

Have a look at

git commit -a -v
svn commit          

Git-commit-a1.png Git-commit-a2.png


  1. sudo mkdir /rcs
  2. sudo chmod 777 /rcs
  3. mkdir /rcs/repo
  4. cd /rcs/repo
  5. echo first line > afile.txt
  6. mkdir afolder
  7. Initialize repository
  8. Add all files to the repository
  9. Check whether files have been added
  10. Commit the changes
  11. Check whether the files have been committed
  12. What is the SHA1 of the commit?

Tracking Changes

git diff
git diff rev path
git apply
git status
git show
svn diff | less
svn diff -rrev path
patch -p0
svn status


git checkout path

Removes all local changes!!!

svn revert path

Working with SVN (git svn)

Create SVN repo

mkdir svn; cd svn
svnadmin create ./
svn mkdir file:///rcs/svn/afolder
svn import /etc/passwd file:///rcs/svn/passwod

Check it out with git

mkdir gitsvnwc
git svn clone file:///rcs/svn gitsvnwc/

Updating (git svn)

Pull changes from SVN Push changes to SVN
Make some changes to the SVN repo
svn import /etc/resolv.conf file:///rcs/svn/resolv.conf

Update git working copy

git svn rebase
echo aline > afile.txt
git add afile.txt
git commit
git svn dcommit 
svn ls file:///rcs/svn

git svn limitations

  • Some of the Git features do not work in SVN
  • Do not dcommit Git merge commits to the Subversion repository (i.e., no merging from other branches, just rebasing)
  • Do not amend, reorder, or otherwise change commits that have been dcommited to Subversion (same as to the central git repo). Subversion cannot handle modifying or reordering commits.



1. Server and repos preparations:

## svn part
sudo mkdir /rcs
sudo chmod 777 /rcs
cd /rcs
mkdir svn; cd svn
svnadmin create ./
svn mkdir file:///rcs/svn/trunk
svn mkdir file:///rcs/svn/branches
svn mkdir file:///rcs/svn/tags
svn import ~/slideshow_ file:///rcs/svn/trunk
svn copy file:///rcs/svn/trunk file:///rcs/svn/branches/slbr1 -m "New branch"
svn copy file:///rcs/svn/trunk file:///rcs/svn/tags/v1.0 -m "Tagging first stable version"
# new user-devel
sudo adduser geek
sudo usermod -G osboxes -a geek
su geek

svn checkout file:///rcs/svn/trunk ~/wc1svn
cd ~/wc1svn
echo geek > logo.html
svn ci -m "geek change"
svn st -uv

2. Simple migration without: history, branches and tags

mkdir gitsvnwc
git svn clone file:///rcs/svn gitsvnwc/
cd gitsvnwc
git svn log
git log

rm -Rf .git branches tags
cd trunk
git init
git add .
git commit -m "moved from svn without history, etc"
git clone --bare . ~/repos/newslideshow.git

3. Migration with nicer history and users' credentials

mkdir gitsvnwc1
git svn clone file:///rcs/svn gitsvnwc1/
cd gitsvnwc1
touch users.txt
nano users.txt
osboxes = Ms Devel <>
geek = Geek Geekovsky <>

svn checkout file:///rcs/svn/trunk ~/wc2svn
cd ~/wc2svn
svn log --xml --quiet | grep author | sort -u | perl -pe 's/.*>(.*?)<.*/$1 = /' > users1.txt
nano users1.txt

cd ~/gitsvnwc1
git svn clone file:///rcs/svn/ --authors-file=/home/osboxes/gitsvnwc1/users.txt --no-metadata --prefix "" -s ~/slideshow_nice
cd ~/slideshow_nice
git log
git tag
git branch -a

# migrating tags:
# for t in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes/tags); do git tag ${t/tags\//} $t && git branch -D -r $t; done

# migrating branches:
# for b in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes); do git branch $b refs/remotes/$b && git branch -D -r $b; done

# cleaning:
# git branch -d trunk

# Connecting to new remote git server:
# git clone --bare ~/slideshow ~/repos/slideshowclean.git
# git remote add origin ~/repos/slideshowclean.git

# Pushing to repo
# git push origin --all
# git push origin --tags

4. Working with 'git svn' bridge tool

5. Refusing force-pushes, etc

git config --system receive.denyNonFastForwards true

Workaround for user: delete the branch and then push it back up with the new reference
Solution for admins:

git config --system receive.denyDeletes true

6. Blocking edition of files for specific users, etc